New Course Layout Opening
On Friday, July 3, 2020, seventy-two members of the Calabogie Highlands Golf Resort opened the new “General’s 18” layout. Before play, each member received a “Special Memorial Hat” marking this special occasion.
For the first time in five years, members played eight newly redesigned holes that were part of the original course design of thirty-some years ago. Comments after the game were most favourable, especially for hole #9, downhill to the pond and green. On the patio, Member’s Association President Anne Hutchinson thanked owners Rick & Chris Fleming and family for their multiple efforts in revitalizing the course.
The first members on the new holes were:
Hole #6A, Bob & Sue Lomas and Jane & Marcel Benoit.
Hole #6B, Linda Cloutier & Murry Hicks and Joan & Gord Wallace.
Hole #8A, Susan Veale & Dave Abraham and Gill Wilson & John Cere.
Hole #8B, Anne Hutchinson, Sharon Pearce, Bev Broadmann and Brenda Evans.